san diego

Diana | San Diego Lifestyle Session

Summer has come and gone -- now October means playoffs and World Series. Yes Im talking about Baseball! I love this sport and honestly don't know any other girl that loves it more than I do than my dearest friend Diana. My Texas sista as my family has 'adopted' not only loves baseball but actually made it her personal goal to visit all 30 MLB stadiums across the USA (and Canada!) prior to her turning 30!! So when you get a random text saying she will be in town this summer to do the California portion of her trip, you jump right into joining her fun (crazy) adventure.  We drove down to San Diego for stadium visit 11 - prior to the game, we had time to roam the streets of downtown, here are just a few from the day. Of course it just happened that the Rangers were also in town for the game :) C86A4911C86A4917C86A4923C86A4932C86A4954C86A4959C86A4964C86A4960C86A4966

Now only 18 to go sista! xo
